DIY: All Natural Multi Purpose Spray

Guess who's back?! I decided to dive back into the blogging world and boy do I have ALOT to blog about! I think my love for instagram kind of pushed my blog to the side. Adding DIY projects, fitness routines and crafty ideas on ig is just so much easier and takes no time. Blogging on the other hand.......ehhhhhh, not so much! LOL! But I, do miss being able to create an awesome step by step outlook on my daily crafting adventures. So, here I am. Nothing new......I will continue to share my love of arts and crafts, DIY projects, home decor tips, thrift finds, health, fitness, home cooking from scratch and all natural goodness! First up, an easy All Natural Multi Purpose Spray.

What you will need:

Glass Bottle (whatever size you choose) w/spray or spritz top
Vodka (No need for a fancy brand)
Essential Oils (I used lavender & orange in one AND lemon & tea tree in the other) Wild Herb

Room/Linen Spray & Cleaning/Disinfectant 
Mix 2 parts Vodka to 1 part water and add approx. 10-20 drops of your fave essential oil. Shake and Use!
I love using Lavender and Vanilla for my bedroom spray : )
Tea Tree, Thyme and Citrus scents work GREAT in the kitchen! Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lavender and Eucalyptus are nice for the bathroom. Of course, you can use whatever scents you like....plenty to choose from. I purchase my oils from Wild Herb Soap Co.  
*To disinfectant: Spray cleaner on a clean surface and let sit for 10 minutes.
***For disinfecting, I don't dilute my Vodka! Just fill bottle with Vodka and add essential oils.

 I don't drink.....
 So, I walk into a liquor store on a Saturday night and ask for the cheapest Vodka they had by the gallon. The faces were priceless! I felt a bit! 

Lavender Essential Oils by Wild Herb Soap Co.

Store in a cool dark place

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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